fizz buzz DRAGON... IT LIVES!!!!

Here is my submission for #stopwaitingforgodot - a fizz buzz game!

For me the main purpose of this weekend's work was to familiarise myself with both Godot the game engine and also GDScript the language. As I have recently started developing (geddit) my own programming skills I was genuinely impressed at how natually GDScript behaved - I viewed it as a cross between Python and Javascript, both of which I have experience with.

The theme of the jam is "Keep it Simple", so I started by considering what that meant in terms of learning - for programmers the defacto starting point is always to print "Hello World", but as a next step (/infamously common interview question, at least a decade ago) I decided that learning to make a Fizz Buzz game would be the logical progression, and so here we are!

In the theme Terry Cavanagh, organiser and general gold standard for game developers/dearthóir everywhere, also suggested to "[...] make a sequel!", so I decided to make this game a sequel of my entry for Fuse Jam #4 - Typing Dragon!

I'll write up a proper post-mortem later but this has been a JOY - thank you Terry for organising this and I hope you enjoy my humble offering!

Rich / jacksorjacksor

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Sep 05, 2021

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